Thursday, January 7, 2010

Eureka! I got it!

SLOBCASTING!! That's what it can be called! If I knew anything about web development I would make it myself. It would be a gathering spot for folks all over the world, from all walks of life, and the dumpier the audio recordings, the better. And you score points for the most pointless post. The posts with the least views are posted on the front page, and there would be no such thing as "friends" or even an inbox for that matter.

So my appointment at the clinic is tomorrow morning. I'm happy about that. It won't do anything for me at all, other than set me back on the dismal conveyer belt of testing. My heart starts pounding when I think of being in a doctor's office these days. I've developed some kind of thing. I think it's because I know this is one of those "have to go through it" type of deal because you "couldn't go around it." To me, the medical world equals my gateway to the hereafter. I can't help it.

After praying the other day for God to ease my fears, I sensed, "The doctors are your friends. They are there to help you. They don't want to hurt you." And those words actually comforted me. How can a woman my age actually be comforted by that? Am I that immature? I didn't know I even needed to hear that. What other fears am I repressing?

Well, I'm the proud new owner of a brand new phone, and this one is a doozie. It's so high-tech I could probably drive it. You wouldn't believe the buttons on it, and the sounds it makes. And today, I noticed it takes videos as well. It looks like a home entertainment center. It was imposed on me yesterday along with the instructions to not throw it away. Nobody understands.

Just a thought: why do you think people waste their time and effort to use a "proxy" ip address? Is anything really worth hiding online anymore? If anyone on this planet has reason to be guarded and private it's me, and yet I understand that sometimes it's wiser to be open. Some things are simply hidden better that way. And about all the street cameras everywhere, and internet monitoring, etc, etc... can it be changed? No. Will it increase? Of course! It doesn't frighten me. Being secretive and deceptive is for weenies. And, like my mom said, "God doesn't make weenies. He builds strong towers."

I am currently trying to de-weenie myself. Wait. That doesn't sound right. I mean, I have been a big weenie as of late. I need to find a way to undo what the last few months have done to me. I really have a way of making lemons out of lemonade.

I sure hope I don't get a shot tomorrow. If I do, I'll come back and tell you all about it.